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The Ljubljana Arbitration Centre (the LAC) is pleased to announce that the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules are now available in six languages.

To even better meet the needs of their users from the region, the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules are now available, in addition to the authentic English and Slovenian versions, in German, Serbian, Macedonian and Croatian, with Albanian and Russian versions coming soon.

Check the language versions of the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules.

Longstanding experience and unparalleled services in administering commercial disputes involving parties from the regions of the Adriatic and ex-Yu make the LAC a convenient forum for the settlement of commercial disputes in the region.

The LAC is the only regional arbitral institution that provides its services to its users in their local languages.


The Ljubljana Arbitration Centre (the LAC) is one of the leading arbitral institutions in the regions of the CEE and SEE. Since its inception in 1928, the LAC has administered several hundred commercial disputes.

The subject matter of disputes is wide and varied and includes all aspects of international commerce, including international sale, distributorship, agency, telecommunications, oil and gas, construction, joint ventures, shipping, pharmaceuticals, IT, corporate, finance and banking, insurance, concessions, public-private partnerships, etc.

The Ljubljana Arbitration Rules (2014) follow the modern international trends in institutional arbitration and ensure the parties a speedy and efficient arbitration tailored to their needs. Where the dispute is less complicated or the amount in dispute is low and a fast resolution is particularly important to the parties, the parties may make use of the Expedited Arbitral Proceedings. The Ljubljana Arbitration Rules also provide for the Emergency arbitrator proceedings when a party needs an urgent interim measure that cannot await the constitution of an arbitral tribunal.

The LAC operates in an arbitration-friendly environment. Parties from the region find Slovenia a particularly convenient place of arbitration. This is mainly because Slovenia shares the similarities in terms of language, culture, legal tradition and has established contacts with lawyers in the region and a pool of available arbitrators. Slovenia is also ideally geographically positioned at the crossroad of two main pan-European traffic corridors, easily accessible with good transport connections. Slovenia has adopted a modern, arbitration-friendly, but foremost simple and clear Arbitration Act based on the UNCITRAL Model Law (as amended in 2006). An independent judiciary that possesses a fair amount of experience and expertise in arbitration is respectful of the parties’ choice of arbitration. Slovenia is a member of all major multilateral conventions in the field of international arbitration (most importantly the New York Convention, the European convention, and the ICSID convention) which apply directly and are completely adhered to.

Parties to LAC arbitrations come from Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Kosovo etc. To be able to live up to the expectations of their users from the region, the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules are now available, in addition to the original English and Slovenian versions, in German, Serbian, Macedonian and Croatian, with the Russian and Albanian versions coming soon. The LAC is the only arbitral institution that provides its services to its users from the ex-Yu region in their local languages.

Compared to other Western-type institutions in the region the LAC’s fees are fairly reasonable.

