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Revija slovenska arbitrazna praksa

Slovenska arbitražna praksa

The Slovenian Arbitration Review (the SAR) is a specialized journal dedicated to arbitration and ADR.

The publication offers its readers useful material and information on resolving disputes by arbitration and ADR in Slovenia, the region and on the international level:

by confronting different views on the hot topics
in international arbitration and ADR.

by providing insight into the latest and best practices
in international arbitration and ADR.

by publishing the decisions of the Ljubljana Arbitration Centre with case analysis and an overview of relevant arbitration-related court decisions.

Naročite revijo

The SAR fulfils an important mission by following and analysing the development of international arbitration and ADR in the region and encouraging constructive peer to peer debates and discussions among arbitration practicioners.


The SAR makes for compelling reading for anyone dealing with the settlement of commercial disputes, be it an arbitrator, a mediator, a party representative or an in-house lawyer.

Revija bralcu ponuja

Submitting a contribution

Our subscribers are businesses, counsels, in-house lawyers, arbitrators, mediators and other users of arbitration and ADR, mainly from the CEE/SEE region. Publishing in SAR is thus a good opportunity to present your views and experience to the regional business/arbitration community.

Contributions to the SAR are welcome on any form of dispute resolution, and should you wish to submit a paper or article for consideration, it should be sent to the executive editor mag. Marko Djinović (E:marko.djinovic@gzs.si).

Please refer to the Guidelines for contributors when preparing your contribution.

Information and Subscriptions

Slovenian Arbitration Review c/o Ljubljana Arbitration Centre at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana
T: 00386 1 58 98 180
E: arbitraznapraksa@gzs.si

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Year’s subscription:

The SAR is published three times per year (in March, June and November).

EUR 80.00 (VAT and postage included).
Postage for delivery outside Slovenia is charged separately.

ISSN 2232-6588