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Konferenca slovenske arbitraže

The Slovenian Arbitration Conference is the main traditional event in the field of commercial arbitration in Slovenia. The purpose of the conference traditionally attended by distinguished guests from Slovenia and abroad is to familiarise the business community with arbitration and to provide answers to current arbitration-related issues in Slovenia, the region and the world.


Konferenca slovenske arbitraže 2013

Arbitration in intra ex-Yu Commerce

november 2014

The 2014 conference was devoted to arbitration in intra ex-Yu commerce. 

Panelists and more than 150 participants also attempted to build “bridges” between mediation and arbitration and search for opportunities for arbitration in times of the renewed recovery of capital markets.

Impression >

Programme >

Oglas 2013


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Prispevki (prezentacije)

Contributions (Presentations)

Konferenco so omogočili

Conference made possible by


Ulčar in partnerji ODI Babić Andreas Reiner Jadek Pensa Karanović, Nikolić JMV RPPP TKDU TLA