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Ohranjanje integritete senata in omejitev pravice do proste izbire pooblaščenca v mednarodni arbitraži

Anja Primožič

Pri institutu izločitve arbitra lahko pride do zlorab. Stranke, ki tekom postopka morda niso zadovoljne z izbranim arbitrom, lahko naknadno izberejo pooblaščenca, čigar prisotnost v postopku povzroči konflikt interesov in s tem dosežejo izločitev arbitra. Vprašanje pa je, ali se lahko s tako situacijo soočimo na drugačen način, torej da iz postopka izločimo pooblaščenca stranke.

Zahtevek za izločitev pooblaščenca nasprotne stranke odpre vrsto pomembnih pravnih vprašanj, kot so: Na kakšni pravni podlagi je tak zahtevek lahko podan? Kdo ima pristojnost odločanja o izločitvi pooblaščenca? Ali bi bila z odločitvijo o izločitvi pooblaščenca nasprotne stranke kršena pravica te stranke do proste izbire pooblaščenca?

V prispevku sta predstavljeni relevantni določbi Smernic IBA o zastopanju strank v mednarodni gospodarski arbitraži, ki govorita o možnosti senata, da izključi pooblaščenca stranke, kadar je le-ta sprejel sodelovanje v pozni fazi postopka in ustvarja konflikt interesov. 



Institute of challenge of an arbitrator may lead to misuse. Parties, who may not be satisfied with the arbitrator during the proceedings, may subsequently appoint a representative, whose presence in the proceedings gives rise to a conflict of interest thereby achieving the release of an arbitrator from appointment. The question is whether such situations can be treated in a different way by excluding the newly appointed representative rather than the arbitrator from the proceedings.

The request for exclusion of the opposing party's representative raises a number of important legal issues, such as: What is the legal basis for submitting the request? Who has the power to decide on the exclusion of the party representative? Would the decision to exclude a party’s representative violate that party’s right to choosing its representative?

This article presents the relevant provisions of the IBA Guidelines on party representation in international arbitration, concerning the possibility of the tribunal to exclude party’s representative when the latter agreed to participate in the late stage of the proceedings and creates a conflict of interest.

slika revije

Slovenska arbitražna praksa

Spletna @rbitraža
Letnik V, Številka 2 (marec 2016)