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Expedited Arbitration

If a case concerns less complicated disputes or small claims, where the expeditiousness of proceedings is of special importance to the parties, the parties can include a special standard arbitration clause in their contract, opting for the rules of expedited arbitral proceedings (Article 48 of the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules). The parties may also opt for expedited arbitral proceedings at a later stage, after the dispute has already arisen or even during arbitral proceedings, but in any case, by no later than at the filing of the Answer to the Request for Arbitration.

Advantages of expedited arbitral proceedings

Expedited arbitral proceedings under Article 48 of the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules are conducted:

  • Following simplified rules (a sole arbitrator presides unless the parties agree otherwise, service is done only electronically, the number of written submissions is limited, the arbitral award only includes a summary reasoning, etc.), and 
  • Observing shorter deadlines (for the appointment of arbitrators, filing of submissions, issuing the final arbitral award).

The main advantage of expedited arbitral proceedings is that the sole arbitrator must issue the final arbitral award within six (6) months from the date upon which the file is transmitted to the sole arbitrator.


Special tariff concerning expedited arbitral proceedings regarding small claims

As of 19 March 2019, a special tariff is in force concerning expedited arbitral proceedings under Article 48 of the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules (Appendix III). It applies to all expedited arbitral proceedings under Article 48 of the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules, which commenced after 28 February 2019.

If the value in dispute does not exceed EUR 250,000, expedited arbitral proceedings are significantly less expensive than classic arbitral proceedings, since a special tariff applies (Appendix III). In this range of the value in dispute, the price of expedited arbitral proceedings under Article 48 of the Ljubljana Arbitration Rules is also similar to the court fee in the Republic of Slovenia.


Use this calculator to calculate your costs of arbitration. 

Due to the guaranteed solution within six months and the special tariff, similar to the court fees in Slovenian courts, expedited arbitral proceedings are especially attractive if a case concerns small claims.

How to agree on expedited arbitral proceedings?

The rules of expedited arbitral proceedings apply if the parties agree on them prior to or after the dispute arises.

The parties can use a special standard clause, provided in seven languages (Slovenian, English, German, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Albanian).

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Scheme of the Arbitral Proceedings

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